Christian Couples Counseling

Christ-Focused Couples Counseling in Huntington Beach

One of the most popular searches on the internet today is on how to repair a relationship. Although the majority of us desire to have a happy, healthy relationship, often there are things that keep us from having one.

If there is something that is preventing a relationship you are in from being all that it can be, counseling for Christian couples is available to present faith-based, practical solutions which can assist you in overcoming the obstacles and challenges you and your partner are facing.

Huntington Beach Christian Counseling works with couples to help them form Christ-centered relationships that last through life’s storms.

If you feel that your relationship needs a boost, reach out and speak with
one of the counselors for couples or contact our office at
(949) 386-7181.

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Common Areas of Focus for Christian Couples in Counseling

For you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.

James 1:3-4

Marriage can be a true test of your love for one another and for God. In Christ-focused counseling, we work alongside you and your spouse to help nurture a healthy, Godly relationship. It is imperative that both partners commit to seeking forgiveness since Christ pours out his mercy on those who go to Him for redemption and healing.

The counselors at Huntington Beach Christian counseling are faithful to guide your relationship on the road to healing, growth, and discovery which is made possible by their skills in psychology and by their faith in the Father.

Could it be Time for Christ-Centered Couples Counseling?

If you are reading this, chances are it is for a reason. Is your relationship lacking the love and life it could have? At Huntington Beach Christian Counseling, we are passionate about helping couples resolve conflicts and also in assisting them in focusing on God who is the One who can heal their relationship. Christian counseling has helped a multitude of couples flourish and it can help your relationship too.

It has been discovered that 93% of couples who center their relationship around God are happy in their marriage.

Here are some signs that couples counseling might be something your relationship could benefit from:

  • Problems in communication – Although many relationships are not at the brink of divorce, it is common for them to be far from what they could be. Hurt, miscommunication,and resentment build up and take a toll on marriages. Whether stifled communication is the problem or just a lack of interest in really relating with one another is the issue, we are here to help you learn communication skills that are healthy and effective. Such a breakdown can easily leave you feeling hopeless, angry and hurt. We will teach you and your partner how to truly express yourself and how to listen to each other too.
  • Infidelity within marriage – One of the most difficult issues to deal with in a marriage is infidelity. In the event that your partner or yourself have had or have thought of having an affair, the sooner help is sought, the better. Being unfaithful is often the symptom of a deeper rooted problem that requires professional help from a third-party.
  • Decreased emotional intimacy – Do you ever feel lonely even though you are in a relationship? Feeling alone can develop into a serious problem and can even end a marriage. Couples who experience a feeling of distance and separation are prime candidates for conflict within their marriage and for infidelity as well. Christian counseling for couples strives to help couples connect with themselves, God and one another.
  • Destructive behaviors – It is common for individuals who are stressed within a relationship to succumb to harmful behaviors that can worsen matters. These type of responses are often deeply rooted due to issues from childhood and can be extremely difficult to work through and overcome without professional help. The good news is that we are here to help you put a halt to the cycle of such unhealthy behaviors.

Building Christ-Focused Relationships

Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. – 1 Peter 5:7

The main ingredient to building a relationship that is Christ-filled is to leave your cares and anxieties at the feet of Jesus and to revive hope so you can find fulfillment and peace through the unfailing grace and love of the Lord. Forgetting that God promises us everything through faith is easy to do when you are wrapped up in dealing with relationship issues. Christian counseling for couples can help you and your spouse connect to your faith. It has been proven to help couples develop better habits that are conducive to the health of your relationship.

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What Can Couples Counseling in Huntington Beach Do for My Relationship?

When you trust us with your counseling needs, we will go to whatever lengths we can in order to do everything and anything that is possible in order to help the relationship you are in grow and heal into the lasting union God intended for it to be.

Huntington Beach Christian Counseling provides a holistic focus to counseling for counseling that uses both faith in Christ and evidence-based methods to heal the relationship so both partners reap all they need to flourish and become whole. By assisting both individuals in attaining their full Christ ordained potential, you are better equipped and stronger together so you can handle the challenges you face as a couple.

Studies show that 65% of couples that are in counseling for couples say that their relationship has experienced significant improvement.

Benefits of couples counseling include:

  • Taking a new perspective which enables you to thoroughly heal.
  • Striving to put an end to destructive behaviors.
  • Improving intimacy and communication significantly.
  • Putting an end to psychological and emotional barriers that have built up in your relationship.
  • Nurturing the strong points of your marriage.

Our couples’ and marriage counselors and are highly skilled and very experienced in helping couples seek solutions that are permanent. No matter the depth of the situation or how hopeless it may appear to be, we are here to work with you.

Couples Counseling – What To Expect?

Bearing with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive. – Colossians 3:13

What exactly is counseling for couples? Couples counseling provides unbiased, professional perspectives and gives guidance for to them in order to overcome struggles that they are having a difficult time resolving by themselves.

It is common to get stuck in harmful and destructive behaviors during times of conflict, making it easy to take it out on each other. If your relationship is in trouble and it is an endless cycle of struggles, words that are less than kind and actions that are destructive, withdraw often takes place. Christian counseling for couples helps you to find a faith-based way of working things out.

Does Christian Couples Counseling Really Work?

We have been working with couples for years to help them find wholeness and healing within their relationship during challenging times. We confidently walk with you through the fire and find ways to guide you and your partner so you can experience lasting changes in your relationship. We provide faith-based solutions that have had excellent results with many because we provide effective tools to you and other great solutions as well.

At the end of counseling for couples, around 75% more say their relationship has improved than couples in similar situations that didn’t get counseling.

A number of different techniques are made available through the realms of Christian counseling. The best and most effective methods will be determined by your counselor that will custom fit your situation and your story which is unique to you and your partner.

The most common couples counseling techniques include:

  • Gottman Method – Building “love maps” is what this method is all about, Doing so helps you find understanding for your partner’s stresses, hopes, fears, stresses, joys, and background. The ultimate goal is to acquire a connection that is a deeper connection and to raise your appreciation of each other. You will also learn conflict management skills.
  • Couples Counseling through the Crucible Approach – This method for counseling couples is revolutionary in that it is geared towards achieving sexual intimacy. Each individual is given the tools needed for personal growth. It also identifies issues that are hindering intimacy within the relationship and offers unique solutions that are designed to last.
  • Couples Therapy that is Emotionally-Focused – This type of therapy offers solutions that are real and speedy by setting short-term, substantial goals that involve making changes to repair destructive emotional responses. It promotes the building of a strong and positive emotional connection and also teaches couples how to interact with each other in healthy and productive ways.
  • Narrative Therapy – This style of counseling improves communication by allowing each individual in the relationship to tell about their experiences in story (narrative) form. This way of presenting facts and feelings creates some separation between the individual and the problem so feelings are able to be freely expressed without blame or hurting each another or defining one another by mistakes that have been made. Together with a counselor, you and your partner can rewrite the parts of the story that are negative so you real solutions can be reached and you can build the relationship that is desired.
  • Psychodynamic Approach – Childhood experiences and other things in our past affect us, often in negative ways. They can influence our relationships too. The psychodynamic approach helps to uncover the issues that are buried away so that they can be worked through to allow change to come and irrational patterns and harmful behaviors can cease.

The Christ-centered couple’s counselors here at Huntington Beach Christian Counseling have a client-focused approach that allows each individual to get exactly what they need to promote true recovery in their relationship.

It’s not easy to create a thriving relationship that will with stand all that comes against it but the process is rewarding and is able to help us flourish and grow in realms we could never imagine.

To find out more about Christ-focused couples counseling in Huntington Beach or to set up an initial risk-free session*, call us today.

Before you throw in the towel on your marriage, do everything possible in order to salvage and restore your relationship. To begin Christian counseling for couples in Huntington Beach, simply reach out to us online or call us at (949) 386-7181.

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