Entries by Kate Motaung

What to Do When You’re Feeling Depressed

It’s never easy when feeling depressed. Your body and mind don’t do what you want them to, and they seem like they’re at war with you. Fighting against yourself by not trusting your thoughts and instincts can be difficult, but there are circumstances when it’s necessary. Typically, our moods are well-regulated because our hormones, sleep […]

Being One Flesh: Understanding Divorce in the Bible

Our various experiences in life mark us in definite ways, but we are more than those experiences and our choices. The issue of divorce in the Bible can be difficult to wade into because when marriage becomes stained with pain, alienation, and dysfunction, the fallout can be devastating, not only to the people immediately involved […]

Questions for Building Emotional Intimacy

Emotional intimacy can provide some of the most enriching and gratifying aspects of your life. When a relationship includes emotional intimacy, it can provide joy, comfort, and support. It is through emotional intimacy that you are able to strengthen the bond of the relationship and marriage even further,deepening your connection and allowing you to better […]

28 Verses to Help Make Sense of Anger in the Bible

The relationships you have with yourself, others, and events that take place all impact your emotions. Human beings are designed with the capacity to feel, and you are often led by your emotions. This can be relatively harmless, but depending on the emotion and its intensity, your life can be derailed by emotive decision-making. That’s […]

Premarital Counseling: How It Can Help

So, you’ve recently gotten engaged, congratulations! Marriage is a wonderful stepping stone in your life. Premarital counseling is a great decision to make to help your marriage start off well, as guidance from a counselor can help you and your fiancé work to create a firm foundation. Premarital counseling can help you and your fiancé […]